JHHW, Editorial: Black Lies, White Lies and Some Uncomfortable Truths in and of the International Trading System; Authors of
– Customer Care; In this Issue (free fulltext)
David Kosař, Jan Petrov, Determinants of Compliance Difficulties among ‘Good Compliers’: Implementation of International Human Rights Rulings in the Czech Republic (Jan Petrov abstract) (free fulltext)
Symposium: International Law and the First World War: Belligerency and Neutrality
International Law and the First World War: Belligerency and Neutrality (free fulltext)
Stephen C Neff, Disrupting a Delicate Balance: The Allied Blockade Policy and the Law of Maritime Neutrality during the Great War (Stephen C Neff abstract) (free fulltext)
Gus Van Harten, Leaders in the Expansive and Restrictive Interpretation of Investment Treaties: A Descriptive Study of ISDS Awards to 2010 (Gus Van Harten abstract) (free fulltext)
Barbara Oomen, Moritz Baumgärtel, Frontier Cities: The Rise of Local Authorities as an Opportunity for International Human Rights Law (Moritz Baumgärtel abstract) (free fulltext)
Benjamin Allen Coates. Legalist Empire: International Law and American Foreign Relations in the Early Twentieth Century
(Jochen von Bernstorff free fulltext)