Dan Sarooshi, Sovereignty, Economic Autonomy, the United States, and the International Trading System: Representations of a Relationship (Dan Sarooshi abstract) (free fulltext)
Eyal Benvenisti, The US and the Use of Force: Double-edged Hegemony and the Management of Global Emergencies (Eyal Benvenisti abstract) (free fulltext)
William A. Schabas, United States Hostility to the International Criminal Court: It's All About the Security Council (William A. Schabas abstract) (free fulltext)
Anthea Roberts, Righting Wrongs or Wronging Rights? The United States and Human Rights Post-September 11 (Anthea Roberts abstract) (free fulltext)
Martti Koskenniemi, Review: 'By Their Acts You Shall Know Them...' (And Not by Their Legal Theories): Darker Legacies of Law in Europe. The Shadow of National Socialism and Fascism over Europe and Its Legal Traditions (with a prologue by Michael Stolleis and an epilogue by JHH Weiler, Hart, 2003) (Martti Koskenniemi abstract) (free fulltext)
Current developments
Joel Trachtman, Decisions of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (free fulltext)